Weather Readings Mobile Applications


Create mobile solutions requiring temperature, humidity, wind speed and heat stress readings.

Pendragon Forms now provides the ability to capture environmental readings from the Kestrel 5000, Kestrel 5400 and Kestrel DROP series devices and write the data directly into a custom offline mobile solution. Using the Forms interface designer, organizations can rapidly create their mobile solution and sync the data to a centralized source. Mobile device users can collect data offline after downloading forms to their devices.

The captured data can be integrated into a complete mobile workflow by displaying the meter readings, triggering events such as warnings, and more generally be recorded in context with other required mobile data such as GPS readings, photos, and environmental observations.


Importing of forms for the Kestrel 5400 and Kestrel Drop

Pairing to the Kestrel Devices

Customizing scripting of data and measurement units


Pendragon Forms 8

A Kestrel 5000, Kestrel 5400 or Kestrel Drop device

An Android device (Android 4.4.2 or higher preferred)

Pendragon Forms app installed on the Android device

Base Tutorial Time: 10 minutes


Custom Scripting for Kestrel 5400

If you want to customize the scripting manually, depending on your version of the Kestrel 5400, you have up to eight values to scan from your Kestrel 5400. See the product details at to see the features available.

Kestrel 5400 Scripting Options

To read groups of values from your Kestrel 5400, you can use the following script.

    call "KESTRELDEVICE('310')"

    if scandata == 0 then
      msgbox "No data?"
      call "getMeasuredObject('RelativeHumidity','value')"
      $[RelativeHumidity] = scandata
      call "getMeasuredObject('RelativeHumidity','unit')"
      $[unit] = scandata

You can replace the '310' with the groups below to get the values needed. Each group returns all of the values and you can choose which ones to use.

Group ID 310
Reading Unit
WindSpeed m/s
DryBulbTemp C
GlobeTemp C
RelativeHumidity %
StationPressure mb
MagDirection Degrees
AirSpeedValue m/s

Group ID 320
Reading Unit
TrueDirection Degrees
AirDensity kg/m^3
Altitude m
BarometricPressure mb
Crosswind m/s
Headwind m/s
DensityAltitude m
RelativeAirDensity %

Group ID 330
Reading Unit
Dewpoint C
HeatIndex C
EvaporationRate kg/m^2/hr
MoistureContent g/kg
NAWetBulbTemperature C
PsychroWetBulbTemperature C
WindChill C

Group ID 340
Reading Unit
AirFlow m3/s
DeltaT C
HumidityRatio g/kg
TemperatureHumidityIndex (none)
HeatLoadIndex (none)
PredictiveIgnitionIndex %

Where you can retrieve multiple groups of data in one form, it is recommended to only have one scan: call across the entire form, as any time a scan occurs, all scan events across the form will fire.

Custom Scripting for Kestrel Drop

If you want to customize the scripting manually, depending on your version of the Kestrel Drop, you have up to eight values to scan from your Kestrel Drop. See the product details at to see the features available.

Kestrel Drop Scripting Options

To read individual values from your Kestrel Drop, you can use the following script.

    call "KESTRELDEVICE_DROP('002')"

    if scandata == 0 then
      msgbox "No data?"
      call "getMeasuredObject('RelativeHumidity','value')"
      $[RelativeHumidity] = scandata
      call "getMeasuredObject('RelativeHumidity','unit')"
      $[unit] = scandata

You can replace the '002' with the value from the table below to get any of the available values from your Kestrel Drop.

Reading ID Unit
DryBulbTemp 001 C
RelativeHumidity 002 %
HeatLoadIndex 003 (none)
Dewpoint 004 C
NAWetBulbTemperature 005 C
StationPressure 007 mb
DensityAltitude 010 m

Here are the options available for all versions of the Kestrel Drops. You can use one or as many as your Kestrel Drop can read.


  if scandata == 0 then
    msgbox "No data?"
    call "getMeasuredObject('DryBulbTemp','value')"
    $[DryBulbTempAll] = scandata
    call "getMeasuredObject('DryBulbTemp','unit')"
    $[DryBulbTempUnit] = scandata

    call "getMeasuredObject('RelativeHumidity','value')"
    $[RelativeHumidityAll] = scandata
    call "getMeasuredObject('RelativeHumidity','unit')"
    $[RelativeHumidityUnit] = scandata

    call "getMeasuredObject('HeatLoadIndex','value')"
    $[HeatLoadIndexAll] = scandata

    call "getMeasuredObject('Dewpoint','value')"
    $[DewpointAll] = scandata
    call "getMeasuredObject('Dewpoint','unit')"
    $[DewpointUnit] = scandata

    call "getMeasuredObject('StationPressure','value')"
    $[StationPressureAll] = scandata
    call "getMeasuredObject('StationPressure','unit')"
    $[StationPressureUnit] = scandata

    call "getMeasuredObject('DensityAltitude','value')"
    $[DensityAltitudeAll] = scandata
    call "getMeasuredObject('DensityAltitude','unit')"
    $[DensityAltitudeUnit] = scandata

    call "getMeasuredObject('NAWetBulbTemperature','value')"
    $[NAWetBulbTemperatureAll] = scandata
    call "getMeasuredObject('NAWetBulbTemperature','unit')"
    $[NAWetBulbTemperatureUnit] = scandata


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